Consultant Locums in all fields of Anaesthesia
- Specialist Anaesthetist, 2004
- Master of Health Business Administration (MHBA), 24 month executive modular master programme, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, 2016
Additional recognition
- Intensive Care Medicine, 2005
- Emergency Medicine, 2004
- European Diploma in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (DEAA), 2004
- European Diploma Intensive Care Medicine (EDIC), 2008
- American Board Exam in Perioperative Transoesophageal Echocardiography, 2008. Recertification Exam 2018.
Clinical Experience
- 19 years Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Pain Management at hospitals of all care levels, covering the complete clinical range of the anaesthetic specialty. Amongst others profound experience in cardiac and neurosurgical anaesthesia, including TOE and in all fields of intensive care, including medical and paediatric intensive care medicine.
- Administration of all common procedures of general and regional anaesthesia, including thoracic epidural anaesthesia and regional nerve and plexus blocks, the latter guided either by nerve stimulation or ultrasound.
- Peri- and postoperative pain management and chronic pain management.
- Expertise in TOE and ultrasound, including abdominal examinations.
Recognition of additional expertise/Courses
- Recognition Lead Emergency Doctor 2006, Recognition Radiation Protection for emergency and chest, 1999,
- Recognition prehospital emergency medicine 2002, EPLS 2017, certificate quality management for doctors 2011.
- Course responsible officer for transfusion 2012, and many more.